Eating beets for the first time-yummy yummy for my tummy but scary scary for my face!!
August 29, 2008
Let the Birthday Countdown Begin!
August 14, 2008
Doodlebug is 9 Months Old
Here is a picture taken on her actual 9 month birthday.
It is so much fun watching her crawl all over the house and explore everything. We have converted our upstairs hallway into a loft area for her to play in. While it doesn't appear to be a big space, I think it works great for her. I can be in one of the rooms up there and let her play in the "loft" her freedom to crawl all around where its completely safe. Good idea Daddy and thanks for putting up the baby gate-only 3 more to go!
We are trying lots of new foods these days. The latest is baby yogurt. She made her yuck face when I first gave it to her (like she does with every new food she tries) but she has started to like it. I think next I am going to try some pasta-mommy's favorite!
Grandma Patty comes into town this weekend so it should be a fun-filled weekend of Doodlebug being spoiled!
Until next time....
August 6, 2008
Can We Say "Mama"???
Her top right tooth is coming in. So far she hasn't seemed too bothered by it so I hope it stays that way. Last week, I started offering biter biscuits so she can start practicing to feed herself. I think she really likes them but man they are messy. She gets them everywhere on her!! I also tried eggs but she wasn't too interested so we'll wait a while on those.
Just today she started showing the first inclinations of wanting to pull herself up on things. She can't quite do it yet but I don't think it will be too much longer.
In just a few short days, she will be 9 months. I can't believe it. She is really leaving the baby stage and sometimes its just so sad. But more than that, I am excited about watching her grow and develop-her personality just comes out more and more each day. She is such a firecracker!
As for me, I am almost done with my 3rd week of Baby Boot Camp. I have been going 3 days per week and have really been enjoying it. It kicks my butt and I am exhausted afterwards but it is such a good workout. In addition to myself getting exercise, I am also exposing Rachel to exercise and a way to be healthy. I hope this can be a good start to setting healthy lifestyle examples for her. Plus at the end of each class, all the babies can get out of their strollers and crawl around.
We are finally having some nice days here and it's feeling like summer. We try to enjoy the weather as much as possible.
Can you see my two bottom teeth???
The oddest things seem to entertain her...
Rachel vs. The Carrots....who you think won??
For some reason, certain things Brent says just cracks her up. If I say them, it's just not quite as funny. In this instance, Brent was changing her and asks "can you pull up your pants?" This was the funniest thing ever to can also hear her gurgling..she loves doing that also!