August 14, 2008

Doodlebug is 9 Months Old

Rachel had her 9 month doctors appointment today and all is well! She weighed in at a whopping 16 pounds even and measured 27 inches long. She is such a petite little girl.

Our doctor (whom I refer to as RJ) was talking to me about stranger anxiety and that she is at the age where this may become prevalent. I tell him that it really hasn't been an issue and that when we are out and about she smiles at everyone and just loves all the attention she gets. RJ was like, thats great, then maybe it won't be an issue. Well, not 3 minutes later he is in the very beginning stages of his exam and she is looking back and forth between me and RJ...and all of a sudden starts crying and reaching out for me. She is the biggest drama queen! Talk about making Mommy look like a big liar!! Sorry RJ-don't take it personally! However she did get a few more shots and a toe prick and she did so well for those. Cried a little but when I picked her up, she was just fine and was fine the rest of the day. She is such a trooper!

She is very much into exploring these days and is always finding something to investigate. Well, true to her female side (and taking after her Grandma Patty), she discovered shoes earlier today and thought they were pretty cool. Here is a shot of her examing one of my shoes...

Here is a picture taken on her actual 9 month birthday.

It is so much fun watching her crawl all over the house and explore everything. We have converted our upstairs hallway into a loft area for her to play in. While it doesn't appear to be a big space, I think it works great for her. I can be in one of the rooms up there and let her play in the "loft" her freedom to crawl all around where its completely safe. Good idea Daddy and thanks for putting up the baby gate-only 3 more to go!

We are trying lots of new foods these days. The latest is baby yogurt. She made her yuck face when I first gave it to her (like she does with every new food she tries) but she has started to like it. I think next I am going to try some pasta-mommy's favorite!

Grandma Patty comes into town this weekend so it should be a fun-filled weekend of Doodlebug being spoiled!

Until next time....


Erika said...

Ohh, Rachel is sooo cute! I love the shoe picture, she'll be walking around in your shoes in no time. :)

Michele @ Frugal Granola said...

Ok, you have the cutest shoes, Katie! :)

Oh.. yeah.. I guess Rachel's really cute too. :)
Really, she is so precious! Happy 9 month birthday! :)

See you next week,
Michele :)